Portfolio Manager Nick Griebenow, CFA Joins Morning Trade Live on TD Ameritrade Network

“The Federal Reserve is poised for another jumbo interest rate hike. The Shelton Equity Income Fund (EQTIX) can combat inflation. EQTIX has paid dividends since 1997. Currently, the fund’s 12-month trailing yield is in the top 5% of its Morningstar derivative income category among open-end mutual funds. With the elevated VIX, how can investors protect their portfolios from increased volatility and take advantage of stock market ups and downs? Now is the death of the 60/40 portfolio,” says Nick Griebenow.

Watch the full video here: Combating Rising Rates & Inflation

Important Information

Investors should consider a fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the fund. To obtain a prospectus, visit www.sheltoncap.com or call (800) 955-9988. A prospectus should be read carefully before investing.

It is possible to lose money by investing in a fund. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Any projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or performance of markets, companies, or otherwise are not necessarily indicative or differ from, actual events or results.

Options involve risk and are not suitable for everyone. Prior to buying or selling an option, your client must receive a copy of CHARACTERISTICS AND RISKS OF STANDARDIZED OPTIONS. Copies of this document may be obtained from your Investment Advisor, from any exchange on which options are traded, or by contacting The Options Clearing Corporation, One North Wacker Dr., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60606 (1-800-678-4667).

Investments in derivatives may be risker than other types of investments. They may be more sensitive to changes in economic or market conditions than other types of investments. Many derivatives create leverage, which could lead to greater volatility and losses that significantly exceed the original investment. Positions in equity options can reduce equity market risk, but can limit the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market value of stocks in exchange for upfront cash as the time of selling the call option. Unusual market conditions or the lack of a ready market for any particular option at a specific time may reduce the effectiveness of option strategies and could result in losses.

Distributed by RFS Partners, a member of FINRA and affiliate of Shelton Capital Management.